Course types

Types of professional development training and courses for professionals

Finding the right course for your needs: types of courses and training delivery methods

At, we receive many questions about the types of courses and professional development that work best. As ever, the answer is that it usually depends on your exact situation and needs, including your position (job role, level of experience), your organisation (industry, organisational culture) and not least your personal preferences.

The golden rule here is that what works for one person or company may not work for others, and can also vary over time and across different circumstances. This is why it is always a good idea to try and compare courses that are delivered using different training methods, developing an understanding of what is most effective given a certain set of requirements.

Using the links below, you can start reading about the characteristics and benefits of each of the 4 main types of professional development training, as well as browse the types of courses delivered via each method, filtering by training subject or location.

Open or Public

Open courses (also known as public or scheduled) are courses with pre-defined dates and locations that are open for individuals to attend.

In-House or Company-Specific

In-house courses (also known as Company-specific or Bespoke) are courses delivered on your company premises and often tailored to your company specifically.

Distance or Online Learning

Distance learning courses, whether paper-based or online, allow you to study at home, at work or in any location of your choosing, completing the course material at your own pace.

Executive Education

Executive Education refers to programmes delivered at leading Universities and Business Schools, targeting senior executives and leaders.

Need more personalised advice about the kind of training most appropriate for you or your colleagues?

Contact our experienced training advisors who can point you in the right direction:

Telephone: +44 203 318 6283

Alternatively, pick your category of interest from the list below: 

Choose training / course category or area of interest

Forestry (74)
Surveying (150)
Design (407)
Fine Arts (1044)
Fashion (127)
Business (2525)
CSCS (40)
HVAC (35)
Joinery (46)
Plumbing (114)
Tiling (27)
Welding (73)
Oil & Gas (1026)
Engineering (2027)
Robotics (32)
Ethics (259)
Finance (4010)
Banking (228)
CFA (9)
Fintech (103)
Payroll (77)
Tax (132)
COSHH (29)
First Aid (248)
IPAF (18)
Healthcare (2853)
Medicine (1437)
Nursing (400)
Crafting (420)
Mentoring (130)
Economics (172)
History (696)
Politics (105)
Databases (104)
ITIL (64)
Microsoft (985)
Languages (1314)
Arabic (58)
Chinese (59)
Czech (1)
Dutch (6)
English (446)
French (115)
German (62)
Greek (32)
Hindi (4)
Italian (122)
Japanese (70)
Korean (25)
Polish (9)
Russian (21)
Spanish (142)
Law & Legal (4771)
Advocacy (20)
Leadership (3209)
Management (2702)
Marketing (722)
Branding (75)
Media (472)
Secretary (126)
Agile (404)
APM (22)
MSP (31)
PMI (82)
Military (16)
Policing (49)
Sales (1168)
CRM (89)
Science (1069)
Biology (226)
Chemistry (103)
Physics (98)
Social Care (2126)
Childcare (535)
Fitness (195)
Retail (155)
Assessor (73)
Teaching (634)
Driving (104)
Mechanic (131)
Transport (158)
